welcome to my shitty blog.

Monday, March 30, 2015

New life goal: anytime I find a nail with nothing hanging from it, I am going to make something to hang from it. 

Here we have pictured a young party gal waiting to be dunked into a pool of water. Ya know those things that you throw a ball at and the person falls into the water if you hit the button? 
I thought it was pretty fitting, seeing as I hung this in the bathroom, across from the toilet.

I'm actually lying, I just realized how ironic that is but I wanted to pretend like I was that clever. Alas, I am a poor liar. 

Anyway, you can find this quick little doodle hanging in the women's restroom at Roast Coffee Company. That is unless someone took it down...  *cough**cough* Josh Navone * 

Can someone please help me figure out how to upload a photo with decent resolution? They are fine on my phone/ipad, but once I upload them, they become blurry. What's the deal?

Dedicated to Brittany Stanley.

I can't even figure out how to post a picture with good resolution. So... fail number one.

Not much to add to this thought, besides that when your friends/family who have a pet fish go out of town, it is really annoying to have to go out of your way to feed their fish. **except for you, Hannah Toldt <3<3<3**  Brittany's excellent life tip: Use this opportunity as an excuse to try on all of their clothes & jewelry, borrow their Frye boots & drink their Rumchata. 

P.S. I don't feel like I'm outing your secret because it is highly unlikely that said victim (**or anyone**) will ever read this.

Peace out. 'Til the next.